This is a fashion website…of a sort.

Lets say you already have a website and it’s just sitting there.

Graphics updates which can quickly modernize your website’s appearance.

Some websites can use a few key graphics to give them polish, others can use more back end work to get the pages to load faster.

You may want a blog page to be added so that you can keep your website fresh and have something that the search engines can feed upon. You can get a blog added to your existing website as a jumpstart, or for a fresh start, just get an instant blog.

What really leverages the work and expense you’ve already put in to your website is a redesign. That way we can reuse your content that’s already there, adding to it and making some changes to the website code under the surface.

Taking control of your own website:

What a fulfilling and empowering thing to do!

We move it to a Content Management System (CMS).

  • You change what you want with an online word processor.
  • Quick and easy because you already have content (text and images)
  • We help with cool “plugins” like weather and latest articles.
  • Redesign is easy because you can pick from finished templates.
  • Customization – we’re here to make it yours.